
Rejuvenation for tired and ageing skin.

Mesotherapy involves the injection of very small quantities of vitamins, minerals, naturally occurring hyaluronic acid and antioxidants into the upper layer of the skin. This hydrating mixture stimulates skin cells, making them more active, and thereby increasing the production of collagen and elastin.

It's effective at reversing visible signs of ageing as well as helping to reverse the effects of pollution, sun exposure, lifestyle factors and stress, and can also help with uneven or acne-scarred skin.

Every treatment is carried out safely by a fully qualified medical professional, and includes a comprehensive assessment to create a personalised treatment plan, with complete aftercare instructions and follow-up.

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mesotherapy treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

How many treatments are needed?

Depending on the underlying condition needing treatment, a minimum course of 3 treatments, every 4 weeks is recommended. Results can last 12-18 months.

Is the treatment painful?

No the procedure involves a tiny needle placing the solution in the upper layer of the skin, and anaesthetic numbing cream is used to ensure you are comfortable throughout.

How quick is recovery after treatment?

There is minimum downtime after mesotherapy. There may be some redness around the injection sites which settles within a few hours, and any swelling should resolve within 24-48 hours.

How soon can makeup be worn?

It is advisable to avoid makeup for the first 24 hours after treatment.